Imaging Document Consumer Retrieve KOS: Single Image Study

Tests the ability of the Imaging Document Consumer actor (SUT) to retrieve one KOS object from a Repository/Registry for a specific single image study.

Purpose / Context

The Imaging Document Consumer SUT: The test points are:

Test Steps

Setup: Instructions:
  1. The Imaging Document Consumer is instructed to query the Registry/Repository simulator for the KOS object for the patient with patient ID:
  2. The Imaging Document Consumer should both query for and retrieve the KOS object. If the Imaging Document Consumer performs a further RAD-16, RAD-55 or RAD-69 transaction, those transactions will be ignored.


  1. Test Manager: Locate the stored query sent by the Imaging Document Consumer
  2. Test Manager: Examine the Log window
  3. Test Manager: Locate the retrieve request to retrieve the KOS object.
  4. Test Manager: Examine the Log window.
  5. Test Manager: Observe in person or use Internet screen sharing to verify that the Imaging Document Consumer has indeed retrieved the KOS object. Take a screen capture of the evidence.
  6. Test Manager: Extra scrutiny tests