Test Documentation

Environment: default
Test Session: default

Test: 12361

Description: Load test data for FindDocumentsForMultiplePatients
Profile: XDS

This test data must be loaded in your Registry Actor exactly once! This may require the ability to delete old data (previous copy) if you need to reload this data. Tests based on this data are expected to report exact number of instances of the data present here. In other tests we rely on different Patient IDs to separate multiple loads of test data. But since the MPQ allows queries unrestricted by Patient ID we cannot simply use a new Patient ID!

This test data set consists of two submissions each with a unique Patient ID.

multi_doc defines three DocumentEntry objects with codes: Document01) MPQ-classcode-1, MPQ-eventcode-1, MPQ-hcftcode-1 Document02) MPQ-classcode-1, MPQ-eventcode-2, MPQ-hcftcode-2 Document03) MPQ-classcode-1, MPQ-eventcode-2, MPQ-hcftcode-2

single_doc defines one DocumentEntry objects with codes MPQ-classcode-1, MPQ-eventcode-1, MPQ-hcftcode-1

To submit this using the GUI interface, select a section (multi_doc or single_doc), enter a new Patient ID and submit. Then repeat other section with another new Patient ID.

Section multi_doc

Transaction: multi_doc

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Register
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Section single_doc

Transaction: single_doc

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Register
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation