RAD-68: PnR KOS for Single Image Study

Tests the ability of the Image Document Source actor (SUT) to send a Provide and Register Imaging Document Set (RAD-68) transaction to a Repository/Registry actor (Simulator). The Imaging Document Source is required to submit a DICOM KOS object that references an imaging study with a single image. As part of this test, you will need to map the Patient Identifier value found in the DICOM image to the DocumentEntry.patientId value in the XDS metadata.


DICOM Patient Identifier XDS DocumentEntry.patientId
C3L-00277 IDS_2018-4801a


  1. Read requirements in test ids-2018_4800.
  2. Read the KOS document and metadata requirements at the bottom of this narrative.
  3. Import the test image for the test data set C3L-00277 into your IDS SUT, using whatever method is appropriate for your system.
  4. Generate one KOS object per the XDS-I profile that references the single image in this study.
  5. Submit that KOS object using a RAD-68 transaction to the Repository/Registry simulator configured for your IDS SUT (e.g.: acme__rr). Use the following patient identifier with the RAD-68 submission:
  6. Activate the test button to search for the KOS submission and then validate the KOS object and XDS metadata.


Data Requirements

KOS Requirements

See instructions in ids_2018_4800.

Metadata Requirements

See instructions in ids_2018_4800.