RAD-55: WADO Retrieve for Multi Image Study

Purpose / Context

The Imaging Document Source has submitted a KOS for a study with multiple images. In this test, we retrieve the images using a WADO retrieve and contentType = application/dicom.


  1. Complete the instructions listed in test ids_2018-4801b. This will register the proper KOS object with the testing system. Assuming test ids_2018-4801b has completed successfully, you do not need to submit the data a second time.
  2. Make sure that the image data for patient IDS_2018-4801b^^^& is in your system and ready for a WADO retrieve.
  3. Activate the test button to initiate the WADO retrieve and validation steps.


The test software makes a separate RAD-55 request for each image in the study.


The test software provides the following validation tests for each retrieve request:

  1. HTTP response code is 200
  2. DICOM image is returned in HTTP response
  3. Original DICOM values in image remain unchanged
    1. Patient ID, Birth Date, Sex
    2. Study Instance UID
    3. Series Intance UID
    4. SOP Instance UID