Multiple Responding Gateways

Tests the ability of the Initiating Imaging Gateway actor (SUT) to respond correctly to a Retrieve Image Document Set (RAD-69) Request from an Image Document Consumer actor (Simulator), for a DICOM image files from two Responding Imaging Gateways.

One study is located in Community A, and the second study is located in Community B. The Initiating Imaging Gateway is expected to submit retrieve requests to both communities and provide a consolidated result.

Retrieve Parameters

RIG Home Community ID (A) urn:oid:
IDS Repository Unique ID (A1)
RIG Home Community ID (B) urn:oid:
IDS Repository Unique ID (B1)
Transfer Syntax UID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1

Test Execution

The test consists of four steps:

  1. Test software sends RAD-69 request to System Under test and records response.
  2. Test software validates the RAD-75 requests that are sent by the System Under Test.
  3. Test software validates the RAD-69 response sent by the System Under Test.
  4. Test software validates the image returned in the RAD-69 response to make sure the System Under Test did not alter the image.