Test Documentation

Environment: default
Test Session: default

Test: 11904

Description: SQ.b GetDocumentsAndAssociations Stored Query
Profile: XDS

Test 12346 must be run first to load test data into the Registry.

Test Steps

uniqueid - Query with uniqueId. DocumentEntry targeted was submitted alone in submissionset so only the DocumentEntry and a single Association should be returned.

uniqueids - Query with two UniqueIds. One of the targeted DocumentEntries is the same as above. The second is a member of a Folder. Two DocumentEntries are expected back and 3 Associations: SubmissionSet to DocumentEntry association for each DocumentEntry AND a single Folder to DocumentEntry association for the second DocumentEntry.

uuid - Operation with UUID. This is a repeat of step uniqueid above but starting with the UUID of the DocumentEntry instead of the uniqueId.

uuids - Operation with two UUIDs. This is a repeat of step uniqueids above but starting with the UUIDs of the DocumentEntries instead of the uniqueIds.

Section uniqueid

Transaction: uniqueid

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Stored Query
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Verify contents: Metadata contains 1 Associations
Verify contents: Metadata contains 1 DocumentEntries

Section uniqueids

Transaction: uniqueids

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Stored Query
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Verify contents: Metadata contains 3 Associations
Verify contents: Metadata contains 2 DocumentEntries

Section uuid

Transaction: uuid

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Stored Query
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Verify contents: Metadata contains 1 Associations
Verify contents: Metadata contains 1 DocumentEntries

Section uuids

Transaction: uuids

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Stored Query
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Verify contents: Metadata contains 3 Associations
Verify contents: Metadata contains 2 DocumentEntries