Test Documentation

Environment: default
Test Session: default

Test: 11997

Description: Patient ID on SubmissionSet does not match DocumentEntry
Profile: XDS

Test that a submission containing multiple Patient IDs is rejected.

Section submit

This submission contains two fixed Patient IDs. SubmissionSet.patientId comes from test 15817 and DocumentEntry.patientId comes from test 15817b. Both of these Patient IDs have been sent to the Registry in a Patient Identity Feed. With this inconsistency the Register transaction must return the XDSPatientIdDoesNotMatch error.

Transaction: submit

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Register
Expected Status in Response: Failure
Excpected Error Message: XDSPatientIdDoesNotMatch

Additional Evaluation

Section eval

Verify submission did not update registry.

Transaction: eval

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Stored Query
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Verify contents: Metadata contains 0 DocumentEntries