Test Documentation

Environment: default
Test Session: default

Test: 12379

Description: Extra Metadata
Profile: XDS

Section ITI-TF 4.1.14 defines the composition and handling of Extra Metadata, ebRIM Slots not defined in XD* metadata. This test tests the required handling by the XDS Document Registry actor.

There are two test sections defined: support and no_support. The XDS Document Registry actor is required to implement Extra Metadata by either

Accepting, not storing and returning the XdsExtraMetadataNotSaved warning code

Accepting, storing and returning the extra metadata in query responses

The two sections align with these two approaches the Registy actor can support. Only one of the will succeed (they are mutually exclusive). When logging results in Gazelle, upload the results for both sections.

Section support

Transaction: support

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Register
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Transaction: verify_by_query

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Stored Query
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Verify contents: SubmissionSet containing one DocumentEntry