Test Documentation

Environment: default
Test Session: default

Test: 11983

Description: Reject submissions where metadata and documents do not match
Profile: XDS

Test that missing metadata and missing document conditions are detected by the Repository.

Section submit_no_doc

Verify that the metadata has not been forwarded to the Registry.

Validation: doc_missing

Expected Status in Response: Failure
Excpected Error Message: XDSMissingDocument

Additional Evaluation

Section submit_no_metadata

Provide and Register transaction missing the DocumentEntry in metadata.

The error XDSMissingDocumentMetadata must be returned.

Validation: doc_metadata_missing

Expected Status in Response: Failure
Excpected Error Message: XDSMissingDocumentMetadata

Additional Evaluation

Section eval_no_doc

Reject submissions where metadata and documents do not match

The submit and eval directories hold test steps with the same names, shown below. The submit tests test that the proper error is returned. The eval tests test that no contents are present in the Registry.

_no_metadata A document is present as attachment but no XDSDocuementEntry is present in metadata. The error XDSMissingDocumentMetadata must be returned.

_no_doc A XDSDocumentEntry is present in metadata but no corresponding document is attached. The error XDSMissingDocument must be returned.

Transaction: doc_missing

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Stored Query
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Verify contents: Metadata contains 0 SubmissionSets

Section eval_no_metadata

Verify that the metadata has not been forwarded to the Registry.

Transaction: doc_metadata_missing

Target Actor: XDS
Transaction: Stored Query
Expected Status in Response: Success

Additional Evaluation

Verify contents: Metadata contains 0 SubmissionSets