Multiple Transfer Syntaxes, Single IDS

Tests the ability of the Responding Imaging Gateway actor (SUT) to respond correctly to a Cross Gateway Retrieve Imaging Document Set (RAD-75) transaction from an Initiating Imaging Gateway actor (Simulator), for a single DICOM image file with two acceptable Transfer Syntaxes.

The image is not available on the Imaging Document Source with the first transfer syntax but is available with the second.

Retrieve Parameters

RIG Home Community ID urn:oid:
IDS Repository Unique ID (E)
Transfer Syntax UIDs
  • 1.2.840.10008. JPEG Baseline (Process 1)
  • 1.2.840.10008. JPEG lossless

Test Execution

The test consists of four steps:

  1. Test software sends RAD-75 request to System Under test and records response. The request contains requests for images in two separate DICOM studies.
  2. Test software validates the RAD-69 request that is sent by the System Under Test.
  3. Test software validates the RAD-75 response sent by the System Under Test.
  4. Test software validates the image returned in the RAD-75 response to make sure the System Under Test did not alter the image.