TEFCA™ Continues to grow connections and transaction volumes in 2025
(Washington, DC – January 16, 2025) – The Sequoia Project, as the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common AgreementTM (TEFCATM) Recognized Coordinating Entity® (RCE®), on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP), today announced the designation of the eighth Qualified Health Information Network® (QHIN™). eClinicalWorks joins CommonWell Health Alliance, eHealth Exchange, Epic Nexus, Health Gorilla, Kno2, KONZA National Network, and MedAllies, and their customers in the ever-expanding TEFCA community.
“The TEFCA community is continuing to grow with new Participants, Subparticipants, and QHINs onboarding as they find value in the framework,” said Mariann Yeager, CEO for The Sequoia Project and RCE lead. “We appreciate all these pioneering organizations who are building the nation’s backbone for health information sharing.”
To date, more than nine million documents have been retrieved via TEFCA Exchange. The rate of exchange is accelerating; more than 4.5 million documents were exchanged in October and November 2024, compared with 2.9 million in the third quarter of 2024.
The RCE’s initial role was to develop TEFCA in collaboration with ASTP. Now that TEFCA is operational, the RCE will continue to onboard and designate QHINs, as well as focus on adoption of TEFCA Exchange, advance the FHIR® Roadmap for TEFCA Exchange, roll-out additional exchange purposes, and oversee transition to permanent self-governance by the TEFCA community. Additionally, The Sequoia Project provides industry-leading directory services and vetting for the designated QHINs and their Participants and Subparticipants.
“The RCE is thrilled to welcome eClinicalWorks as a designated QHIN, and we look forward to their customers initiating TEFCA Exchange soon,” said Yeager.