August 6, 2024
Today, The Sequoia Project, as the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common AgreementTM (TEFCATM) Recognized Coordinating Entity® (RCETM), released a bundle of new Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) immediately available for adoption and implementation. Public Health Exchange Purpose (XP) Implementation SOP Health Care Operations XP Implementation SOP Individual Access Services XP Implementation SOP (updated) Exchange Purposes (XP) SOP (updated) QHIN Security for the Protection of TEFCA Information (updated) “We’re very excited to publish the final Public Health and Health Care Operations Exchange Purpose Implementation SOPs today,” said Mariann Yeager, CEO of The Sequoia Project and RCE lead. “These documents mark the inclusion of detailed guidance on how TEFCA will support important use cases beyond treatment, such as electronic case reporting and care coordination/case management.” The Centers for…