Today, The Sequoia Project, in its role as the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common AgreementTM (TEFCATM) Recognized Coordinating Entity® (RCE®) released a set of new and updated standard operating procedures (SOPs) to advance widespread and secure TEFCA Exchange. They include:
- Version 1.0 of the QHIN, Participant, and Subparticipant Additional Security Requirements SOP
- Updated Exchange Purposes (XPs) SOP (Version 4.0)
- Updated QHIN Onboarding and Designation SOP (Version 3.0)
To meet its interoperability goals, TEFCA must ensure the security of nationwide exchange of health information through TEFCA. To that end, the Additional Security Requirements SOP reflects stakeholder feedback received on the draft SOP released in January 2023 and careful review and approval by the Cybersecurity Council. The SOP details requirements to bolster the security of the TEFCA framework, such as appointing an assigned security official, authentication of authorized individuals, audit requirements, and use of secure channels.
The revisions to existing SOPs reflect the practical and incremental approach taken for developing and operationalizing the TEFCA framework. The updated Exchange Purposes (XPs) SOP (Version 4.0) provides greater flexibility for Qualified Health Information Networks® (QHINsTM) and other TEFCA-connected entities to use Exchange Purposes that are authorized under TEFCA but that do not yet require a response (i.e., response is optional) such as Health Care Operations, Payment, or Government Benefits Determination.
The revised Onboarding and Designation SOP (Version 2.0) includes updates to align with the Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (HTI-2) Final Rule. It also reflects lessons learned by the RCE through experience designating the first set of QHINs. The RCE will also update the QHIN Application in the coming weeks.
For more information on these SOPs, please visit the RCE Resources Library and consider joining our next monthly informational call on Tuesday, January 21. The RCE also accepts feedback on a continual basis through our feedback form.
The RCE looks forward to receiving ongoing feedback from stakeholders and working with the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP) and the TEFCA community to further advance nationwide exchange of health information.