The Sequoia Project

Independent Initiatives

Our work takes the form of independent initiatives, each with its own mission, governance, membership, and structure. We are an ideal home for projects that require a collaborative environment in which multiple parties with differing perspectives can work together.

What we Can Provide

Sustaining management services and governance support

Thanks to The Sequoia Project’s extensive experience with independent initiatives, we are able to provide the sustaining management services and governance support required to allow new initiatives to grow and succeed. Our initiatives work independently but draw upon each other’s perspective and expertise as appropriate.

Current Initiatives

The Sequoia Project is proud to support the following initiatives:

Interoperability Matters logo

A Public-Private Cooperative Solving Discrete Health Information Exchange Challenges

Experts from across the healthcare and healthcare IT communities working to identify, prioritize, and collaborate on the most pressing, discrete challenges to nationwide health information sharing.

Developed in partnership with the Radiological Society of North America

A conformity assessment program that tests the compliance of vendor systems using quality standards determined most effective for accurate and efficient exchange of medical images.

Past Initiatives

The Sequoia Project is grateful to have been a part of the following successful initiatives:

Patient Unified Lookup System for Emergencies (PULSE)

A nationwide health IT disaster response platform that can be deployed at the city, county, or state level to authenticate disaster healthcare volunteer providers.

Connecting health information networks throughout the country

A collaborative endeavor focused on interconnecting data sharing networks through a trusted exchange framework and common agreement, designed and maintained by its community.

The largest healthcare information network in the country

A nationwide, public-private health information network supporting more 120 million patients with more than a dozen use cases. eHealth Exchange is currently active in all 50 states.

Choose The Sequoia Project

For Your Next Interoperability Implementation Project

We welcome the addition of new health IT interoperability initiatives. Contact us to determine if The Sequoia Project is a good fit for your next interoperability implementation project.

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